Security Camera

Verkada replaces obsolete equipment with technology that’s smart, secure and easy to manage.

Simple Setup

PoE cameras are online and fully operational in minutes.

Built-in Storage

No NVRs or DVRs. Store up to 365 days of footage locally.

Automatic Updates

Stay ahead of emerging threats with ongoing feature and security updates.

Scales With Your Security Needs

  • Minimal Bandwidth Impact

    Cameras send encrypted thumbnails to the cloud and stream only when actively viewed.

  • Unlimited Cloud Archiving

    Store clips in the cloud indefinitely and easily share archived events with key stakeholders.

  • Centralized Management

    Bring footage across sites into one dashboard and grant secure access to your entire team.

Strengthen Safety, Simplify Ownership

Shorten incident response time from days to seconds with best-in-class security technology.

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Security Camera